Fishing - Fish

Fish come in many shapes and sizes. Their loot varies widely as well as where they can be caught.

Featherlite Fishing has over 100 custom fish configurations that are pre-generated, as well as images (seen above) that come pre-loaded with the plugin.

Rare Fish & Catch Chances

Any fishing has a default 10% chance to catch a rare fish. The other 90% of the time the vanilla drop-table runs as normal.

Upgrading fishing rods and attaching upgrades to them will increase the probability of catching a rare fish.

Fish Compendium

To open the compendium use the command /flfishing to open the main menu, then open the compendium (fish icon).

Inside you will find information on each fish found in the server's plugins/FeatherLiteFishing/fish_data.yml plugin file

Rarity Weight

We use an inverted-weight system on our items' rarity. This means that the higher the number in the rarity: [number] entry, the less chance you have of catching the fish. E.g. a rarity of 1 is the most common fish possible.

Biome Dependency

Fish are only available in the biomes you select for them in the biomes: entry. If a fish is caught in a biome where no fish matches, the plugin will match fish found in River biomes. Because of the River fallback, there is no where in your world where rare fish cannot be caught!

Key Considerations

  • Fish data is fully customizable.
  • Length is calculated in Imperial measurement (inches-feet).
  • Fish can only support one drop each as of right now.

Example Fish Data

Below is an example of a common fish. This common fish has a vanilla drop of 2-6 cod.

    title: "Prawn"
    description: "A tiny, nimble creature that scurries along coral reefs."
    rarity: 2
      - WARM_OCEAN
    minY: 10
    maxY: 256
    requiresRain: false
    customModelData: 107
    minLength: 2
    maxLength: 6
      type: "item"
      item: "COD"
        min: 2
        max: 6

Below is an example of a rare fish. The rare fish has a reward of 800-2000 in-plugin scales.

    title: "Midnight Koi"
    description: "A jet-black koi fish that spawns from shadows themselves."
    rarity: 800
      - RIVER
      - SWAMP
    minY: 10
    maxY: 256
    requiresRain: true
    customModelData: 39
    minLength: 12
    maxLength: 60
      type: "scales"
      item: "vault"
        min: 800
        max: 2000